Taryn Ammarell

Legal Assistant
Taryn is a legal assistant at Ammarell Deasy. She is just starting to pursue her interest in the legal field. Right now, she is a second year at the University of Denver studying political science and socio-legal studies. She is inspired by the passion she sees from others at Ammarell Deasy and became quickly fascinated by the art of law. She was awarded the Pioneer Scholar Recipient as she graduated and became a DU Pioneer. Taryn is a powerful force in the workplace due to her positive attitude and drive to learn new skills. Her day consists of communicating with clients, the staff, and attorneys in the office. Additionally, she assists with scheduling and coordinating. She plans to continue her academic career at DU while working with the firm. She is excited to continue gaining experience through exposure at Ammarell Deasy and eventually attend law school in the future. Go Pios!