As you start the divorce process, you’ll begin looking at your marital property and how you want to divide it. In Colorado, it’s required that your marital property is divided equitably, which doesn’t necessarily mean evenly. As a result, if you’re an artist, you...
How to tell your child about an upcoming divorce
Divorce has an impact on children, and it starts the moment that the child’s parents tell them about the upcoming split. When parents want what is best for their kids, it is important for them to think carefully about what this conversation means and how it will go....
Yes, you can help your kids adjust to divorce
It can be difficult for children to adjust to divorce, but there are steps every parent can take to reduce the stress and anxiety that a divorce can cause. Your children may vary in age, but despite that, you can always make it a priority to help them understand and...
Can a child pick which parent gets custody?
Divorce can be hard on children, and they may want the last word on where they land in the custody agreement. Even though your children may know exactly where they want to go, it isn’t likely up to them. If you and your spouse can’t reach an agreement, then it falls...