You and your spouse adopted a sibling pair during your second year of marriage. Together, you began to raise your children and had a wonderful life together, at least for a while. Unfortunately, the way you want to raise your kids is not exactly the same as how your...
Pay attention to your child’s behavior during divorce
Children may have some behavioral issues when their parents are divorcing. This isn’t something that’s uncommon, but it does need to be addressed when it happens. In some cases, the children might not act out when they are with their parents, so you should consider...
Understand what you need to know about seeking paternity answers
It’s sad, but many cases involving paternity are tense and emotional. Men may want, or not want, to be the father of a child. They may be worried about the outcome and being involved in the child’s life. It’s important that you know your rights, the process involved...
How to take care of your children during divorce
With so many details requiring your attention during divorce, it’s possible to overlook the need to pay extra close attention to the well-being of your children. On the plus side, there are a number of things you can do to help maintain a stable environment for your...