Year: 2019
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Year: 2019

What are my Rights as a Father?

When you are going through a divorce in Colorado, your worst fears often involve your children. Will I get custody of my children? How involved will I be? Will the mother keep me from seeing my children? What if the court allows her to move away? These are all real...

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Alcohol And Parenting

It seems that I have had a run of cases involving alcohol abuse and arguments over parenting rights. I continue to be amazed at how many people suffer from alcohol addiction, and in turn, how many people minimize the problem. I can tell you, we fight hard to protect...

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Right of first refusal

In the past week, two potential clients have reached out to me to ask me about their rights to parent when the other parent is unavailable. In one situation, the other parent works crazy hours and the child is being left with a new significant other. In the other, two...

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Parenting Classes

If you are involved in a dissolution proceeding and have children, every court in Colorado will require you to attend a parenting class. This applies even if your children are older and understand everything that is going on between their parents. The courts treat...

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